What do I
about Websites?
"You can have the best products
of their kind ... in the most attractive store in town ... but
won't get
many shoppers coming through your doors if your store
is hidden in
a back
Question is, can you afford a small fortune for the premises on the
main street and even then, how much will it cost to stay there
and will the shoppers become customers?"
Welcome to win with websites. My name is John Curgenven, formerly
an international corporate executive, now a small
businessman engaged in several pursuits including business consultancy.
With unreserved thanks to my mentor,
I'm thrilled to
tell you that my latest
website has reached the number 1 spot in its
niche at the
four major search engines and has tens
of thousands of visitors every
I didn't pay them for that position,
is the site's subject
in a small market sector with little
competition. It's there
because of
coaching, tools and services I found which helped me every step of the
Before exploring how this was
achieved and how you can succeed
with your website, it's worth remembering what I learned
from my earlier
attempts ...
Attempt - Going it alone.
It was about ten
years ago when I produced my first website. I purchased some
software, learned to use it to create a reasonably attractive site and
submit it to the search engines. I waited for visitors to come ...
and waited ...
You can spend quite a lot of time
and some money trying to go it alone
but you are unlikely to get very far.
Second Attempt - Spending a lot more money.
hired and worked alongside a web designer who built me my second,
really attractive site with lots of bells and whistles. I also paid a Search Engine Optimisation
company to brush it up and submit it to the search engines. I waited
for visitors to beat down my door ... still waiting
You can spend a lot more time and
money getting no further.
period of
contemplation and research
I was
beginning to wonder if my unsuccessful attempts were nothing to do with
my chosen methods of implementation but that maybe my subject was not
suitable for a website. Whilst I considered this could be the
case, I decided to hunt the internet to see if there were any
alternative ideas on how to "crack
the web"!
quite a lot.
obviously "get rich quick" schemes, which would be suitable only those
who were
born yesterday. Others were more subtle in their promises of fortunes
to be made and a few were available for which I did not have enough
arms and legs to afford the costs involved.
the revelation.
were quite a lot of site owners who were recommending an innovative
company whose approach to web business was different and had
highly successful for them. This led me to my next attempt
Third Attempt - Looking for short
That company is
owned by a Canadian medical doctor who had been very
successful at selling his product on the internet. He decided to share
his website
success knowledge through a book "Make Your Website Work"
and some on-line tools. They were not expensive so I decided to try
them out.
It was at this
point that
pride outweighed common sense. Having absorbed all his
advice, I
thought I could see some shortcuts for my third site and that, with my
earlier career in computers, I could do an even better job than he did
- "what does a medicine
man know anyway?" - I surmised.
Guess at how much further my website attempts progressed.
Fourth Attempt - I wish this had
been my first.
should have listened to the medicine man. I went back to square one for
my fourth website. Re-read all his advice and the advice from hundreds
of his customers on his forum, took my time and did it his
way. The
doctor was right.
1 at the four major search engines.
of thousands of visitors every
Not a bad start,
but was this just luck? ... No.
Was I the only
one who had achieved such surprising results? ... No.
Could this be
repeated for others? ... Yes,
it has been.
My website
is primarily instructional for folk who want to know how to
achieve better photographs. It was borne out of the notion that the knowledge I have accumulated for one
of my hobbies
might be of use to others.
Why did I pick
this subject? Because the doctor's method (I prefer to think of it as a
course in web
business success) guided me to do so.
Has the site
achieved its goals? ... Yes,
and then some.
Of course,
success for a store depends on location, location, location. Success for a website depends on information, information, information. That's
what visitors and search engines are looking for and that's
what the course helps you to achieve - quality content for
your visitors,
presented in a way the search
engines will give you high
ratings. Then, and only then, will shoppers find you
and become your customers
- to return again and
It doesn't stop
there - to win with websites you need a relevant domain name, website space,
emails, forms, blogs, and much more besides. What really
surprised me was that all these things are included in the course
(not charged as extras later on) and are provided through different
tool sets - some aimed at folk who have no technical knowledge,
some for those who do know their html from their css.
Have I applied
the course to other topics? ... as I said earlier - welcome to win with websites.
The buttons
at the top of this page lead to descriptions of how the
course can help in various personal and business situations - but it is not an exhaustive list.
By the way, you can click
to visit the self-teach course at any time, it's called - SiteBuildIt!.
I suggest you take a look at the course to see how comprehensively it covers all the
components of a successful web business.
Having done
so, if feel that
you may not have
the time to "do it yourself" then one of the ways you can
still benefit from SiteBuildIt! is to have one of the SiteBuildIt!
Services specialists do it for you.
